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Zero-waste shops in BRUSSELS

Since I started the search for a green lifestyle, I have had one big frustration: my garbage bin. One of the changes I would like to make in my lifestyle is to produce less waste, to reduce my ecological footprint. After analyzing what is actually in my garbage bin, I noticed that 90% is plastic wraps and packaging. As hard as I try to avoid plastic wraps and packaging, they always find their way to my bin. However, there are places that help to live a plastic-free life, and they are multiplying rapidly: Zero-waste shops!

A zero-waste shop aims to make shopping trash-free by offering as much as possible re-usable, organic and local everyday products. In this definition, "trash" needs to be taken in its broad sense, as it includes anything harmful for the planet, like for example CO2 emissions or toxic pesticides. Also, "trash-free" is an ideal state, it's the ultimate goal. With some products that are solid, like fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, it's easier to attain this goal vs. liquids. That's why most zero-waste shops have a packaging-free section, together with products that are packaged, with attention to sustainable materials and fair trade.

Why avoid trash if we can recycle? Avoiding trash altogether helps to preserve natural resources, to reduce CO2 emissions, to reduce landfills, to encourage local production, and - don’t forget - by paying solely for the item, and not its packaging, we're saving money.

These shops promote a sustainable lifestyle, respecting nature and fair trade. We can usually find a broad range of products, like fruit and vegetables, bread, dairy, rice, pasta, drinks and cosmetics.

It's important to come prepared to a zero-waste shop. We will need our own shopping bags; smaller bags for small items and containers for liquids.

zero-waste shopping preparation - bags and jars, Miuxua

Photo by

What about price? When I go shopping, I consider four aspects before buying something: (1) quality (industrially-made or home-made), (2) production location (local or overseas), (3) preferably plastic-free, (4) lifetime (how long can I use it before discarding).

To be honest, the advantage of a regular supermarket is that I can find all items in one place. However, I bring back a lot of plastic trash. With zero-waste shops, I can't always find everything I need at once. I have to do several shopping trips, but my ecological footprint is lower. I prefer to invest in the growth of zero-waste shops. What is worthwhile, takes some effort.. ;)

Here are the zero-waste shops that I've visited in Brussels:

You can find more zero-waste and eco-friendly zero-waste shops in Brussels in the Mixua online discovery guide.

Bio Marché Tanneurs, organic, bulk, zero waste, Miuxua
Bio Marché Tanneurs, organic, bulk, brussel, zero waste, Miuxua

Le Bio Marché – “Marché des Tanneurs”

I first visited the shop on a Saturday, and promptly realized how popular it was upon taking in the busy scene. In this spacious zero-waste shop, we find an amazingly large offer of fruits and vegetables - with very good prices! Additionally, they offer organic bread, cheese, cereals, meat, yoghurts, and more. Farmers directly supply the shop, which result in high quality goods and great prices.

Rue des tanneurs 58

Day by Day, bulk, zero waste, organic, brussel, Miuxua

Day by Day – “Mon épicerie en vrac”

Day by Day offers one of the largest dry foods in bulk with about 500 different products. Their dry foods include everything but fruits and vegetables, and it’s a mix of organic and non-organic food. This mix makes it possible to have a bigger amount of items in bulk, in comparison with other zero-waste shops. Every product states very clearly if it's organic or not, where it comes from, etc. Here I finally found cookies and pet food in bulk! The shop has a wide range of prices, making it affordable for a smaller budget too. I enjoyed the shop’s friendly community feeling, fostered by the two passionate shop keepers - Florian and Arsenios.

Avenue Paul Dejaer 29

La Grainerie, bulk, zero waste, brussel, bruxelle
La Grainerie, zero waste shop, brussel, Brussels, Miuxua

La Grainerie is a beautiful and cosy shop offering 100% vegan catering. Here too, the focus is on dry foods, such as pasta, rice, tea herbs, healthy juices, and oils. If you are in the neighbourhood, be sure to stop by for a tea and a black bomb. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not an alcoholic drink. A black bomb is an energy ball made of guarana and cacao, covered completely with roasted black sesame seeds. A great superfood to bolster your health against the coming winter cold!

112 rue de Tenbosch

Färm, Brussels, zero waste, organic, bio, local shop, Miuxua
Färm, Brussels, zero-waste, organic, bio, local shop, Miuxua

Färm - "Good food, good people"

Färm is the first zero-waste shop I have ever visited, and I’ve fallen in love with it for two reasons. First, it has a wonderful broad offer of (local) products. The full first floor is dedicated to cosmetics and hygienic products (see pic). Second, it's a co-operation. This means that all involved parties - such as producers, distributors, employees and even consumers - own and control the organization. This results in full transparency, high quality products, sustainable practices, correct prices and short (local) chains. Even if we don't have the time or money to join a cooperative, we can shop here. Thanks to its success, Färm already opened 5 stores in Brussels.

Brandhoutkaai, 43

Linthoutstraat, 169

Waversesteenweg 1080

Vanderkinderestraat, 546

Elsenesteenweg 136

chyl, brussels, zero waste shop, Miuxua
chyl, brussels, green urban garden, Miuxua

Chyl - "CHange Your Lifestyle then CHerish Your Life"

At Chyl, we will find a broad offer of goods; from fresh products, dry goods, beauty products, to nutrition supplements and more. But Chyl doesn't stop there. Aside from the shop, there is the Chyl café. The café’s kitchen serves healthy dishes with seasonal products that respect nature. When it's sunny, we can enjoy their outside garden. In this garden in the middle of the city, I can completely relax with a nutritious juice in one hand and a sweet cake in the other. What a treat!

Rue de Belle-Vue, 62

Transistore, zero waste shop, Brussels, Oxfam, Miuxua
Transistore, zero waste shop, brussels, Miuxua

TransiStore - "A convivial and ethical store that encourages solidarity"

I learned about TransiStore when I signed up for a zero-waste walking tour organized by the community of Etterbeek (east Brussels). By combining three organizations under one roof, this shop shows off a truly unique concept. It is the home of Oxfam International, the co-operation Agricovert, and an organized community group. These organizations share the same values, such as ethics, fairness, and sustainability. Agricovert offers a broad portfolio of local goods and aims to build a fairer food chain by helping consumers’ voices reach local producers directly. The community group organizes activities on a wide range of topics, such as teaching a hands-on approach through its zero-waste workshops and information about ways to improve fair and affordable access to local, nutritious foods. Walking in here, a world of discoveries and empowerment opens up to you.

Rue de Pervyse 68

Venue Adolphe Demeur 12

Belgomarkt, zero waste shop, Brussels, Miuxua
BelgoMarket, zero waste shop, Brussels, fair fashion, healthy brunch, Miuxua

BelgoMarkt – “A much more accessible, healthy, and responsible consumption, while revitalizing the local economy”

I discovered this zero-waste shop thanks to their event “Brunch & Slowfashion”. I love these concept stores that combine great ideas: healthy brunch, fair fashion and zero-waste shopping. Here I discovered two fair fashion brands from Brussels: TRUC and Wear A Story. I completely fell in love with their concept and clothes! Belgomarkt even offers yoga classes on Tuesdays! BelgoMarkt’s four key words are: convenient, easy, affordable, and transparent. The store owners travel all over Belgium to offer us the best local products out there. Definitely worth a visit! By the way, it’s open on Sunday.

Rue de Dublin 19

Stock, zero waste shop, brussel, bio, Miuxua
Stock bio, zero waste shop, Brussels, Miuxua

Stock – “Inspired by the zero-waste movement, we want to offer as many items as possible in bulk to reduce waste”

This one year old zero-waste shop is characterized by its wooden interior design. The mix between rustic and modern elements is very eye-catching. It’s the most beautiful zero-waste shop I’ve seen up till now! 😊 Also unique is that, the cooperative that manages the zero-waste shop also manages the bistro Contrebande, which is situated in front of Stock. Contrebande offers healthy, organic food, and artisanal Belgian beer. It has a lovely outside garden, where I become completely zen. I find it a welcoming place to escape the busy city, in the company of a friend or with my laptop.

Place Fernand Cocq, 23

If you don't have any of these zero-waste shops close by, no need to panic! There are ways to buy more planet-friendly in a regular supermarket. Here I share with you my tips.

You can find more zero-waste and eco-friendly zero-waste shops in the Mixua online discovery guide. Or you can join one of our fun Eco Tours!

More inspiration and tips & tricks: Facebook Instagram

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