As during the lockdown we could not organize Eco Tours, we've brainstormed about how to continue to inspire the community, while at the same time supporting sustainable entrepreneurs. Two ideas came out of this: the online workshops, which are ready and live (we even created 3 of them this year!) and the online discovery guide.
The aim of this discovery guide is for you to easily find eco-friendly shops and products in your area. The selection of them are based on the following 6 pillars. Some organisations focus mainly on one aspect, others are making efforts on different aspects. This will depend on several factors, among others the kind of product and size of organisation.
1. Zero-waste principles
Under this pillar we include companies that work with sustainable materials or textiles, and/or that are making efforts towards a clean production (to reduce waste as much as possible) and/or keep in mind to transport sustainably. Sustainable materials and textiles can be both newly sourced materials or second hand. With "zero-waste" we also include organisations that have an organic offer (no use of harmful pesticides).
2. Fairtrade
The workers are paid and treated fairly (good wages, social security, etc.)
3. Transparency
We are in direct contact with all organisations in the discovery guide.
4. Local (production)
With "local" we refer to production made in Belgium or within Europe. This can for example include clothes and food. With foods, efforts should also be going to seasonal production.
5. Certifications
Certifications are not black and white. They come with a price tag, so many small organisations can't afford them. When certifications are available, we evaluate their authenticity.
6. Continuous efforts to progress
It's a reality that today it's very challenging to be a perfectly eco-friendly organisation that can check off all boxes. That's why we give importance to organisations that are looking towards doing better and becoming more eco-friendly within the existing boundaries.
In case you have any questions about this, please contact us.